It’s time to move……

Feel overwhelmed? Don’t know where to start? Let Asian Tigers break it down step-by-step in this brief, high-level overview:

1. Create a “shortlist” of movers:

- A good way is to ask your friends for their recommendations. Of course, we hope you’ll include us in this group.

- Call each one to schedule an in-home survey.

Asian Tigers Canada Day

2. Request an In-home Survey:

- This is critically important; you’ll get a feel – one way or the other – about how professional the moving company is.

- Ask questions of the surveyor, and expect he/she will, in turn, ask you many questions.

- Use one of the many moving checklists below to help you stay on top of things.

Asian Tigers Canada Day

3. Be available on moving day

- Be at home when the movers arrive. In fact, be at home as much as you can during packing to answer questions as they pop up – and questions will pop up.

- Communication is vital: What time will the crew arrive? What time will they leave? What’s lunch hour? What bathroom can they use?

Asian Tigers Canada Day

4. Your goods are moving now…….

- We’ll be available to help you and answer questions as they arise.

- We’ll provide you with regular update on shipping schedules, arrival dates, etc.

Asian Tigers Canada Day

5. What to expect on delivery to your new home:

- We will unpack your goods for you, so relax.

- Again, it’s a good idea if you can be there when your goods arrive. You’ll be asked to sign the packing list that verify all boxes are present and accounted for.

- We will remove the debris. (Empty boxes and packing materials)

Asian Tigers Canada Day

6. If you need ongoing support:

- Once delivery is finished, we will still be there to aid and assist you.

- Enjoy your new home and life’s next chapter.

Asian Tigers Canada Day

OK, you’ve done the high-level overview. At some point, you’ll need to take a deep-dive into the myriad details you need to attend to. No worries: there is a checklist for that. In fact, there are many. Here are a few of our favorites:

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